Bible School

International Bible Training Centre (I.B.T.C.)

Our Bible School is known as International Bible Training Centre, I.B.T.C. It is a private, nonsectarian, coeducational, twelve month Training Centre for pastors, evangelists, christian workers, ministers and soulwinners.
Admission is determined on the basis of an objective evaluation of an applicant’s credentials whatever the background, denominational affiliation or ethnic origin. All are offered equal opportunity to learn.
The training is divided into three parts – the first six months at the Centre, two months of practical involvement in Christian service outside the Centre, and four months of intensive ministerial training at the Centre.
Our primary purpose in I.B.T.C. is to develop soulwinners, church planters, character builders, full-time ministers, fruit-bearing preachers of the Full Gospel and dynamic witnesses of the abundant life Jesus came to offer
Under the Lord’s direction, by His Word and through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we have prayerfully designed a curriculum for all believers who desire to mature into full grown children of God, able to fulfill their calling within the Body of Christ, reach out effectively to the lost and needy world and capable of handling any situation the enemy may throw at them.
Courses of instruction are geared toward achieving the purpose outlined above. I.B.T.C. seeks to enroll as many students as possible who are called into the Christian service of preaching and teaching God’s Word with signs following. Anyone whose primary goal and purpose in life is to minister Christ to those with whom he comes in contact has an open door into I.B.T.C. This individual (after the Training) may support himself through a suitable tent-making work (any suitable secular employment), but his primary-goal and ambition in life is to preach where Christ has not been known and minister the Word to the Body of Christ. Our unified goal must be to win men, women and children to Christ.
I.B.T.C. is dedicated to the principle that every Christian minister has a need to “study to show himself approved.” To this end, a strong emphasis is placed on maintaining an atmosphere conducive to balanced christian living in the Centre. An atmosphere of warm christian community aids in the development of the total person. A life above reproach is encouraged by positive precept and through practical demonstration by faculty and staff. Our doctrinal position is fundamental, evangelistic and Pentecostal.
Christian Education
Important for the christian is the realisation that all knowledge apart from Christ is vanity, but all knowledge dedicated to the glory and service of God is wisdom. The Christian environment surrounding the student at I.B.T.C. enables him to formulate sound principles and practices which will enhance his christian witness. Each of the subjects taught are approached from the stand point of the absolute supremacy of Biblical truth. The active agent in the interpretation of the Scriptures is the Holy Spirit who enables and strengthens each Christian in the search for truth.
The Courses are intended to acquaint the student with the central truths of the Christian Faith and to prepare men and women for all phases of the ministry in the Church.
I.B.T.C. trains men and women for christian service, but it does not ordain anyone nor promise to offer employment to those who finish the course. Those who graduate must prayerfully seek the Lord’s face and know His will on where to minister.
Anyone intending to study at I.B.T.C. in preparation for full-time or part-time Christian service should seriously evaluate the objectives and aims stated below to ensure that his personal ambitions correspond with the aims of this Training Centre.
Aims, objectives & Goals
I.B.T.C. provides practical training that deals with all phases of the ministry. We provide a helpful learning environment where the fruit of the Spirit is constantly exemplified before all. We endeavour to show you how to live the life God called you to live and also teach you to do what God has called you to do.
The objectives of I.B.T.C. are:
1. To lead each student to a fuller and deeper experience of Christ Saviour and Lord and to expose him to wholesome spiritual influences which will develop Christian character and Christ-centered living.
2. To guide each student into a comprehensive knowledge of Biblical principles, content and doctrine, through a systematic study of the infallible Word, and to equip him with methods for a Continuing personal study.
3. To confront the student with the Gospel imperative of,¬“making disciples of all nations‚¬ and to instill within him an awareness of personal responsibility in carrying out that imperative.
4. To help and encourage the student to desire and experience a true love and dedication to God and the Church, the Body of Christ, and to guide him to find his place in the Body.
5. To equip the student to meaningfully fulfill the requirements and responsibilities of the specialized Christian service to which he is called – evangelist, pastor, teacher, soulwinner, etc.
6. To instruct the student in methods of biblical building and delivery of sermons, to prepare him in pastoral counselling spiritual leadership and church government and to give him adequate biblical and spiritual foundation for his pulpit, pastoral and prophetic ministries.
7. To desire for a continual pursuit of spiritual growth through the personal application of the disciplines acquired throughout the student’s training experience at I.B.T.C.
Doctrinal Statement
I.B.T.C. draws students from different denominations and para-church groups to prepare for the ministry. So, we avoid bigotry on the one hand and latitudaniarism on the other. Believing that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness we teach all the Word from the beginning of Genesis through to the end of Revelation, adding nothing to the Word and taking nothing from it. The King James version of the Bible is used as the most authentic translation of the original Hebrew/Greek Bible.
IBTC draws a clear distinction between nominal Christianity and genuine Christianity, and also between fanaticism and true worship (Jn 4:20-24). We teach the importance of daily living an overcoming Christian life. The entire Scriptures are the only rule for our standard of conduct, form of discipline and pattern of christian work.
The prospective student should submit an application before he can be offered a place at I.B.T.C. In order to qualify for admission at I.B.T.C., an individual (man or woman) must:
1. Be a true believer with an assurance of salvation and freedom from a life of sin. Such must be at least two years old in the faith and must show marks of christian maturity and commitment to Christ.
2. Have an eagerness, and a deep concern to be used for the salvation of souls without the motive of personal carnal gain in the heart.
3. Provide recommendation from a minister or a mature christian worker, two friends and the employer, who have knowledge and evidence of the applicant’s christian life, conduct and compassion for souls.
4. Have a good understanding of spoken and written English. Admitted students into the language classes must show ability to read and write in the language of choice. Language classes are presently in Hausa, lgbo, Yoruba and French. Prospective students for other languages not mentioned above and who want to take their courses in such languages should contact the Centre for their intention and information.
5. The prospective student must be at least 25 years of age and must show marks of adulthood and maturity.
6. Women who are pregnant and nursing mothers would not be offered admission so as not to be distracted during the course. Married couples desiring to come with their partners would please inform the Centre before hand for accommodation arrangements. Such would receive clearance from the School before resuming when the accommodation arrangement is finalised.
7. Students, upon admission, will pay to the Centre the fees prescribed by regulations and register as students of the I.B.T.C.
8. A candidate may be required to sit for a test as may be set to assess suitability for admission.
9. Provide photostat copies of certificates (if any).
10. The Training Centre reserves the right to accept or reject an application for admission.
11. Pay the application fee.
12. Provide a current photograph (not passport photograph).
13. Submit a medical certificate from a licensed doctor.
Admission at I.B.T.C. is open to anyone who satisfies the above requirements. Those who are in some regular employment can receive leave without pay or resign to take nine months off to study and prepare for the ministry. If their mini duties, after training, do not require full-time, they would still take up the tent-making employment (if God so leads) while preaching the Gospel effectively to all who come in contact with them.